Posts tagged best dental advise for oral health
Top 5 Frequently asked questions, Veneers with Dr. Del in Costa Rica

Top 5 Frequently asked questions about Veneers in Costa Rica:

How much of my tooth will be affected?  As little as possible of your natural enamel with be affected prior to placing the Veneer, in fact we want to keep as much of your nature enamel as possible.  

How long will it take? A Veneer Restoration can be completed in as little as 10 business days.  

Should I get a whitening treatment prior to Veneer placement? In some cases, yes it is recommended to do a whitening treatment prior to the restoration to get the best increase in color shades especially if the color change is dramatic. 

How many Veneers will I need? The number of Veneers depends on patient desire and smile expectations, each case is different and depends on how big your smile is, most patients average and opt for a minimum of the front 8-12 Veneers. 

Do I need to get both arches done?   You can decide to do both, or just one arch, this depends on each patient case and your restoration goals.

Veneers in Costa Rica top 5 questions asked with Dr. Bernal Soto

Top 5 Frequently asked questions about Veneers in Costa Rica:

How much of my tooth will be affected?  As little as possible of your natural enamel with be affected prior to placing the Veneer, in fact we want to keep as much of your nature enamel as possible.  

How long will it take? A Veneer Restoration can be completed in as little as 10 business days.  

Should I get a whitening treatment prior to Veneer placement? In some cases, yes it is recommended to do a whitening treatment prior to the restoration to get the best increase in color shades especially if the color change is dramatic. 

How many Veneers will I need? The number of Veneers depends on patient desire and smile expectations, each case is different and depends on how big your smile is, most patients average and opt for a minimum of the front 8-12 Veneers. 

Do I need to get both arches done?   You can decide to do both, or just one arch, this depends on each patient case and your restoration goals.

Covid 19 Stress on your Oral health

Covid 19 and Stress and your Oral Health.  

The American Dental Association recently conducted a tracking poll and reported that a vast majority of dentists in the USA indicated stress-related oral health conditions among their respective patients has increased since the COVID-19 pandemic began. 

Tightness in the jaw can cause pain or discomfort in many parts of the body, including head, ears, teeth, face, and neck. The intensity of the pain can vary, and is often described as aching, throbbing, tender, or severe. These feelings may become worse while chewing or yawning. The exact location of the pain can also vary, with discomfort on one or both sides of the face, jaw, nose, mouth, or ears. 

Clenching or grinding may also be caused by stress, genetics or dental problems, such as misaligned teeth. Clenching and grinding can occur during sleep, or when awake, although you may not be consciously aware of it. Clenching and grinding can cause tightness or feelings of soreness in the face, neck, and upper or lower jaw. It can also cause headaches or earaches. 

Tips to relieve Jaw Stress  

Exercise - Small mouth-opening and mouth-closing movements several times as a warm up. Then, place your fingers on the top of your front four bottom teeth. Slowly pull down until you feel slight discomfort on the tight side of your jaw. Hold for 30 seconds, and then slowly release your jaw and relax . 

Jaw joint stretch This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the jaw and neck. Press the tip of your tongue onto the roof of your mouth, directly behind your top front teeth without touching them; then use your tongue to apply gentle pressure to slowly open your mouth as wide as you can, then slowly close. 

The  smile stretch helps eliminate stress in the facial muscles, upper and lower jaw, and neck. Start by smiling the widest smile you can without feeling tightness or pain. While smiling, slowly open your jaw an additional 2 inches. Inhale deeply through your mouth, then exhale while letting go of the smile. Repeat these exercises up to 10 times. Stop at the point if you feel pain.  

Mouth guards - Are beneficial especially if jaw tightness is caused by clenching or grinding teeth while asleep. They help reduce contact between the upper and lower teeth. This helps reduce wear and tera and fractures on the teeth and can help to eliminate jaw tightness, pain and headaches. 

Massage – Is often recommended to help increase blood flow and reduce muscle tightness. You can try this by opening your mouth and gently rubbing the muscles next to your ears in a circular motion. This is the area where the temporomandibular joints are located. Try this several times a day, including right before bed.

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Dental Care and Covid 19

Dental Care in the time of Covid 19. We all know how our dental health affects our overall health and during the Covid 19 pandemic it is even more important to have great oral health daily habits.

Here ‘s a couple things to remember during your Covid 19 Quarantine and everyday thereafter!

Do not skip meals during your quarantine, you need the strength a healthy diet provides, and it’s great for the pearly white enamel of your teeth.

Drink plenty of water, when you let yourself get dehydrated it takes a toll on your whole system including brain function and oral health.

Brush and floss your teeth after every meal… like Nike says … “Just do it”

Brush your teeth with your brush at a 45-degree angle with short, tooth-length strokes for maximum effect. Additionally, you should brush your teeth for at least two minutes each time.

Change your toothbrush. A worn toothbrush damages your teeth, change it every 2 to 3 months.

Keep your toothbrush Soft. Toothbrushes with bristles that are too hard can really damage your teeth by wearing down the structure. Choose brushes with soft bristles, they’re as effective as medium or hard brushes without any risks of tooth enamel or structure damage.

DaVinci’s Dental Care is a 5 Star Boutique style clinic where the highest in 3D Dental technology meets the best in artistic restoration results. Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!

For more questions about your dental health contact us at Phone/ Text 011 506 7131 0458